Topband: July Stew Perry Please!!!!

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Sat Mar 17 06:44:09 PDT 2012

Please no!  Let the Stew be the Stew. It is the best and fairest TB 
contest ever devised by mankind.  I wouldn't mind if we had one every 
month especially at the summer solstice,  vernal and autumnal equinox 
when those in the southern hemisphere could have even more kick.  Plus 
the IARU has those nonsense QTC's which would be totally inappropriate 
for TB DXing.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 3/17/2012 9:18 AM, Steve London wrote:
> I'll throw out a related suggestion. Why not use the IARU HF contest as the
> "summertime" 160 contest ? It's 24 hours long and has excellent worldwide
> activity on all bands except 160 meters.
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC
> On 03/17/2012 05:12 AM, Doug Turnbull wrote:
>> Dear OMs and Yls
>>        A July Stew Perry is an excellent idea!!!    We need something to temp
>> more onto the band during the noisy season.   One tunes the band a number of
>> times and hears nothing and so resorts to HF.    A good effort in high
>> summer for the northern latitudes might clear our ears.   Even if our
>> receive antennas were largely down, a contest might bring some of us out.
>> A summer contest could also make the K9AY and magnetic loop antennas have
>> more justification for their existence.    A July Stew Perry would be a fair
>> handshake to the southern hemisphere and their efforts during the warm
>> months.   Please bring it on!!!!
>>                                   73 Doug EI2CN
>> PS Yes a summer contest, well Top Band Operators like pain.
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