Topband: Fwd: Re: 'the old ways...'

DAVID CUTHBERT telegrapher9 at
Fri May 4 09:01:18 PDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "DAVID CUTHBERT" <telegrapher9 at>
Date: May 4, 2012 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: 'the old ways...'
To: "Dan Edward Dba East edwards" <dan.n.edwards at>

Dan that is how I do it and have measured the base referred ground loss
resistance of my 30' vertical to be around 5 ohms.

Dave WX7G
On May 4, 2012 9:22 AM, "Dan Edward Dba East edwards" <
dan.n.edwards at> wrote:

> whatever happened to the 'old way' of measuring ground loss?
> back in the 80's we would look up the predicted impedance from LaPort,
> then measure it as accurately as possible with a General Radio 1606..and
> figure the difference is 'ground loss'...
> today, with better software ( EZNEC5 ), we can model our antennas
> over 'perfect ground', and with better hardware ( i like my VNWA2 ),
> measure with some confidence of reasonable accuracy. and again, figure the
> difference is 'ground loss'...
> this at least gives you a clue what is happening, beyond 'just put out as
> many radials as you can, as long as you can make them' my case, with
> scant available real estate for radials, i come up with about 6 ohms of
> ground loss...
> respectfully submitted...tell me why this is 'wrong'....73 w5xz, dan
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