Topband: Fwd: radals fer 160m vertcal

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Fri May 4 17:52:38 PDT 2012

What about radials above the ground?  Like what I'm planning to install --- base of the vertical at around 5' to 6' above ground and slope all of the radials from that 5' or 6' point down to the ground?  Jim R. K9JWV


 > From: rfry at
> To: topband at
> Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 19:10:56 -0500
> CC: rfry at
> Subject: Re: Topband: Fwd: radals fer 160m vertcal
> Bud, W2RU wrote:
> > 3.  Using radials that are longer than a vertical (of reasonable 
> > electrical length) is tall simply wastes a lot of money (and real estate).
> Those tending toward such beliefs should be interested in the clip at the 
> link below, as well as the BL&E study linked earlier in this thread.
> Note the logical conclusions therefrom that the radiation efficiency of 
> every vertical monopole system of every electrical height depends on the 
> loss of the r-f ground reference against which it is driven.
> These data show that for monopole heights no matter how short in electrical 
> wavelength, system radiation efficiency using buried radials is dependent on 
> the r-f loss in the circular surface area at/just below the surface of the 
> earth within ~1/2-wavelength radius of such monopoles.
> In fact, the shorter the electrical heights of such monopoles, the more 
> important such r-f loss becomes toward defining the radiation efficiency of 
> those electrically short monopole systems.
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