Topband: Parasitic Elements with 160m Verticals (was radals fer 160m vertcal)

Charles Moizeau w2sh at
Sat May 5 19:55:00 PDT 2012

>This link leads to a paper 
>by Clarence Beverage with some real-world results for monopoles with 
>elevated wires used as a counterpoise.


Towards the end of the above reference mention was made of a Mexican BC 
station using a slanting parasitic reflector (probably wire) in conjunction 
with its vertical tower radiator.

Have Topbanders used parasitic elements?  

Although a radiator with an electrical length of 0.25 wavelength worked 
against a non-resonant ground system is common and successful, I believe 
(I hope correctly) that in order to be to be effective parasitic elements 
need to be close to 0.50 wavelength (+ or - thereof, depending on whether
reflecting or directing),at least electrically if not possible physically.  

A practical solution suggests a parasitic element in an inverted vee 
configuration in order to handle the considerable length (reducible with 
lump loading) required to approach ~0.50 wavelength. 

Commentary welcome!


Charles, W2SH 


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