Topband: Monopole Radiation Patterns, Takeoff Angles etc,

Robert Briggs vk3zl at
Mon May 7 20:27:42 PDT 2012

Hi all..

This thread has been very interesting and educational...I guess we all 
strive to make our installation as efficient as we possibly can...Much 
of the radial theory has to go out the window for those who don't have 
the room, (acres)  to install a good radial field and have to compromise 
with whatever can be fitted into a given small space...That being the 
case probably for the larger majority of Topband operators, doesn't 
always mean that their station will be insignificant compared to those 
whom have the room and money to put in a large installation, 4sq and big 
radial fields..

I hear too many Topband operators complaining that they can't compete 
with the so called "Big Guns" and many probably don't give it a serious 
go for that reason...

Well, I have news for you...I have been a consistent operator from VK 
for 35 years being a keen CW dxer...My observations over the years 
working thousands of dx stations world wide have showed a few definite 
observations...Given an average evening dxing and the band conducting 
shall we say signals are generally averaging S5 to S7...Many of these 
signals are those whom only have a wire antenna and whatever radials 
they can fit in their qth with no real to the book installations...In 
amongst these signals there will be a few of the better installations, 
most whom will be no better than the average 5-7 signal...Occasionally 
one or two signals will pop up 1-2 S units above the crowd..This may be 
a bigger antenna installation but more likely hit the propagation on a 
peak...You have to remember that the band is very dynamic and changing 
by the minute...

We always hear about the so called big contest stations....Let me tell 
you that on an average their signals are not always any better than the 
average signals...I have heard of and seen written many tines about 
these so called super stations and can assure you that most don't rate 
any better in the long haul to VK than the average Joe....I can name 
about five dxers from the US who have signals consistently above the 
average and most of these are fairly ordinary installations..

I think that much of it is the luck of the draw, location, and a bit of 
thought put into your antenna installation..Operating methods are also a 
big part of being successful...No point in having the biggest and best 
installation if your operating habits aren't up to scratch...The best 
Topband operators spend more time listening than banging away making 
lots of qrm...

So I take my hat off to all those who have to really struggle to get a 
reasonable antenna system running....Never give up or feel intimidated 
by the "Big Guns"..I can assure you that if I hear you in the qrm and 
qrn I will always try to give you VK...

73 all....Bob..VK3ZL..

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