Topband: question about antenna bandwidth

Rob Stampfli rob at
Fri May 11 12:13:25 PDT 2012

On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 08:03:40AM -0400, k8gg at wrote:
> IMHO going beyond 160 feet of wire
> inverted-L (5/16 wl on 160 meters) is not the best solution.

Thanks, George.  Actually, my intent isn't to perfect a DX antenna, but
rather, to get the piece of wire with the current maxima up in the air.
As it is, with the current node on the ground, I suspect it is somewhat
shielded by my aluminum-siding sided house.  My "L" is really not really
a strict "L" per the handbook standards.  It goes up from the feed point
to where it is supported by a rope attached to the 2nd story gutter, then
at an angle up into a convenient tree and across the back of the lot.
Even as is, it works amazingly well considering the compromises.

Rob / KD8WK

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