Maciej Wieczorek mw_comercial at
Wed May 23 06:00:37 PDT 2012

Hi Bill,

I have no experience with crossing beverage's but I remember from ON4UN's 
book the the coupling is marginal in this case and should not affect 
performance... Maybe there is another problem: I don't think grounding 
unused bevs is the best solution, I would rather left them "floating" or 
load with 50ohm (or 75ohm) resistor (which worked best at my QTH).

Regarding two opposite directions on the same poles, with some "vertical" 
spacing - I am also very interested if someone have tested exactely this 
kind of solution and what were the results. Here, I was going to try it for 
JA/PY directions in the next season. Well, I always thought it's better 
solution than standart "two wire beverege", with reflection xfmr, etc. 
Actually, I don't understand the reason why two close spaced parallel wires 
in horizontal are OK, and one below another, with reasonable spacing might 
cause problems (obviously, I consider that the feed point of the opposite 
direction should be at some distance from the far end of the "main" 
direction and vice versa). But maybe I'm missing sth and someone with 
greater knowledge could explain this. here...

In September I will share here results of my tests as well.

Best 73's from Poland

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill and Liz" <magoo at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Topband: BEVS ON SAME SUPPORT

> Like ZL3IX, I also had very poor results with a Beverage travelling too 
> close to a fence.  F/B was bad but even worse was coupling of noise picked 
> up by the fence.
> WRT a second Bev on the same post, 12"-18" is far too close to space the 
> two wires.  I have several Bevs which cross at something other than 90 
> degrees and these antennas always seem to be less effective than those 
> which do not cross another antenna.  Even though unused Bevs are grounded, 
> are not parallell and the crossings are seperated by a foot or more, there 
> IS coupling which is reflected in slightly elevated noise and lower F/B.
> So, my suggestion regarding running Bevs in opposite directions on the 
> same poles would be "don't try it"!
> Bill VE3CSK
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