Topband: PT0S DXpedition -- Change Notice

GeorgeWallner aa7jv at
Mon Nov 5 17:46:04 EST 2012

Dear Topbanders,

We did not get away tonight. We will leave tomorrow 
morning (Nov 6). Accordingly, we are likely to get on the 
air the evening of Nov 10.

Also, based on feedback from Europe, where apparently 
strong Loran like QRM from Russia blankets 1810 to 1820 
kHz, we have decided to change our 160 m frequency plan:

TX 1825.5
RX EU/NA: Up 2-5 (1827 - 1830)
RX JA/Asia/VK/ZL: Down 2-5 (1821 - 1825)

Hopefully there will be no further changes. :-)

GL es 73 to all,

George, AA7JV

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