Topband: Outing The Scofflaws...

Gary K9GS garyk9gs at
Tue Nov 13 00:01:10 EST 2012

Since I sort of started this with my post last night...

I don't think that public humiliation is going to fix this problem. As 
others have pointed out, there is too much of a potential for abuse with 
people deliberately signing others callsigns, etc.  I think the best is 
peer pressure from locals who know who the culprit is.  I'd be willing 
to speculate that in most cases the operator causing the deliberate 
interference is known to local hams.  If it is someone you know.....say 
something privately and constructively.

Everyone makes an occasional error.  Heck, I've inadvertently forgot to 
hit the split button on my K3 after turning on the sub receiver. That's 
really easy to do.  In fact, one of the things about the K3 that I think 
can cause problems if you're not careful is when you're set for split, 
say on 160M and QSY to another band.  When you go back to 160M the K3 
remembers the frequency and the split but the split is turned OFF.

Always look before you transmit.....

On 11/12/2012 10:00 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> Here's an idea that I'll toss up into the air as a (possible) first step in bringing a few of these lawless characters to heel:
> Maintain some sort of an open-to-all web page that is frequented by would-be future DX'peditions that contains a master list of the call signs of those habitual displayers of stupid behaviour and poor decorum in pile-ups. "Members" of this select "club" would have earned their posting ONLY if their repeated crass procedures were duly noted and recorded by no less than THREE previous DX-peditions, and/or TEN "domestic" listeners attempting to get through in a pile-up...
> I think that such numbers would effectively rule-out the possibility of error, especially such numbers as might be posted by actual past DX-peditions.
> >From the sound of things, DX-peditions are fast going the route of the lawless wild, wild west anymore. How long will it be before those who go through all of the considerable financial & logistical hurdles in mounting such forays in the far flung corners of the world might finally throw up their hands in disgust & say that all of the work is simply not worth it...?
> If anyone has any better suggestions for improvement, let's hear them...after all, we Hams are supposed to take considerable pride in our being a "self-policing" lot---so what are we waiting for...?
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association:
Society of Midwest Contesters:
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