Topband: beverage layout

Mike Waters mikewate at
Sun Nov 18 17:39:19 EST 2012

Hi Jorge,

Beverages don't have to be either straight or level.

It would be better if it was straighter, but if that's all you can do at
your QTH then by all means put it up that way.

My "Europe/Australia" Beverage has a 15 degree bend in it and hears great.
I didn't model your description, but I think you will be happy with the way
it works.

73, Mike

On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM
<cx6vm.jorge at>wrote:

> Hello
> Is there any problem if a beverage is not 100% on the same direction?
> Start at feed point with 70 ft going to 0 degrees and then 830 ft going to
> 40 degrees
> Will be any problem with this or will be OK for a 40 degrees (Europe)
> beverage

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