Topband: Beverage question

Martin dm4im at
Wed Nov 28 09:19:22 EST 2012

I didn´t make many qso´s on topband in the cq-ww, but
the single wire beverage at DL0WH has proven efficiency. I was called by 
a few na-stations and called a few myself. Obviousely, the K2AV inv-L 
over an FCP and the bev combo worked fine. I mostly rxed with the bev. 
Just minutes after the contest i had an more than armchair copy on VE1ZZ.

I think there is room for improvement, because from what i´ve read over 
the last days, the bev´s impedance should differ from what i estimated 
and therefore the transformer and the terminating resistor must be 
recalculated. Also, i had the impression, that stations coming in from 
the rear were just too loud.
The clubstation has an antenna-analyzer with a graphic display, 
smith-chart display etc.

So, how to measure the bev? Is this procedure correct:
The bev is ~8 feet above ground. The far end is open, not grounded, no 
The analyzer connects directly to the bev and the ground rod at the rx 
end through its bnc-to-banana plug adaptor . Measure and note the 
impedances for 160, 80, (40, 30m). Calculate the mean average.
Calculate and install a transformer to match that value to the feedline. 
At the far end, find the value for the termination resulting in a flat 
swr-curve over the range 1.5Mhz - 10Mhz.


Ohne CW ist es nur CB..

73, Martin DM4iM

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