Topband: 2 wire beverage question

ZR zr at
Thu Nov 29 20:09:56 EST 2012

Sounds like a problem many would love to have!

When you say they work best at 1-3' how exactly do you mean and what are the 
antenna details?
Getting more info on what others use is always good.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <richard at>
To: "Mike Waters" <mikewate at>
Cc: "topband" <topband at>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: 2 wire beverage question

> On 11/29/2012 8:14 AM, Mike Waters wrote:
>> Rick,
>> Why don't you just mount them on permanent posts (or trees) 10' high?
>> That's what I and many others do. That ought to let you mow around them
>> without taking them down. My support posts are 100' apart.
> Thanks for the suggestions, but...
> First, I have found that Beverages work better at 1 to 3 feet
> off the ground than at 10 feet.  Second, while mowing around the
> posts is better than having to go around the whole wire, it is
> still too much of a hassle.  I am using a brushhog, not a zero
> turn radius mower.  After mowing, I would have to use
> the weed whacker around the posts.  Third, I am planning to
> disc the area next year, so I would have to take out the posts.
> The beverages are basically in a treeless area.
> 73
> Rick N6RK
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