Topband: TB digital

Tom W8JI w8ji at
Mon Sep 17 10:23:35 EDT 2012

> I problem is the IARU region 1, 2 and 3 band plans do not line up. The 
> region 1 160 band starts at 1.810Mhz so the IARU Region2 pansis useless 
> for DX digital communications. All regions should align modes.
> If ALL l regions decide on 1830 to1840 for digital modes we should follow 
> the recommendation.
> Digital modes are the future. It will give those hams who have limited 
> real estate and monetary resources to enjoy the topband.

When the time comes, if the IARU is interested, we should have a logical, 
reasonable, factual debate about potential technical and operating problems 
and how to best minimize those problems for the future.

In the meantime, the bandplan is what the bandplan is. The bandplan is 
intended to make up for the disinterested ARRL and the lack of FCC 
segmentation rules. It is supposed to be an example of how we can 

If people don't want to follow the bandplan *in normal operation*, we should 
just say we won't follow it. Then we can do what we want to do as individual 
groups, and stop all this bandplan nonsense. We cannot very well expect some 
modes stay in specific areas in *normal operations* while other modes do 
something entirely different in *normal operation* just because they want 

I'm all for what the consensus of everyone wants, and not what some specific 
interest group wants. If the IARU is meaningless, then everyone should be 
able to operate where they like any time they like for any reason.

73 Tom 

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