Topband: DXCC Fairness

mstangelo at mstangelo at
Wed Sep 19 14:36:46 EDT 2012


You can't have your cake and eat it. The West coast has nicer weather than the East coast but the left coast ocean is larger...

Maybe there should be an award based on Grid Squares.

Mike N2MS

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Brown <jim at>
To: 'TopBand' <topband at>
Sent: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:17:35 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Topband: DXCC Fairness

Talk about DXCC fairness -- it's FAR easier to work DXCC with a modest 
station anywhere around the Atlantic, or within 1000 km of it, than it 
is from the Pacific.  I've got a very nice antenna farm and have taken 
the time to become a competitive contester, but I am almost never able 
to work DXCC in a weekend contest, all bands combined. But guys on the 
east coast consider it trivially easy. The difference is especially 
striking on Topband -- there are often openings from EU to eastern NA, 
whereas we might HEAR a dozen signals a YEAR out here in California.  It 
took me four years to work 100 countries on 160, and two years later I'm 
at 125. I haven't heard EU for two years.

73, Jim K9YC

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