Topband: Short radials?

lmlangenfeld lmlangenfeld at
Thu Sep 27 11:29:23 EDT 2012

*A sidebar and table in the ARRL Handbook (22.23 in the 2007 edition)
suggests that, for 16 on- or in-ground radials, there is little benefit to
cutting them longer than 0.1 wave.  Only when the number of radials goes
up, they say, do you start to realize improvements from longer lengths. *
*This seems somewhat counter-intuitive, and differs from info I have seen
elsewhere.  Because I am about to cut and lay out 16 radials under an
inverted L, I could sure use some feedback based on real-world experience.*
*Tnx es 73,*
*Mark -- WA9ETW*

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