Topband: Antenna Question

Jim Brown jim at
Mon Dec 9 13:59:22 EST 2013

On 12/9/2013 10:47 AM, Ashton Lee wrote:
> The 43 foot antennas are very short (low inductance, poor efficiency) on 160. Only my very best tuners will tune them… and tuning doesn’t make them efficient, it only makes them not destroy the radio with reflected currents.
> The best solution is to top load a 43 food antenna and turn it into an inverted L. Of course, if you have trees, a wire will do the same thing without needing the 43 foot aluminum part.

Great advice. And, of course, any end-fed vertical needs radials or a 
counterpoise. A year or so ago, I did a tutorial presentation on 160M 
with limited space. Nothing original on my part, simply showing the 
fundamental stuff about how antennas work, and pulling together lots of 
excellent work by others.

73, Jim K9YC

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