Topband: 2 Top Band Christmas Gifts

Charlie Cunningham charlie-cunningham at
Fri Dec 20 12:56:25 EST 2013

Been there - done that - without snowshoes, however, down here in North

Merry Christmas!

Charlie, K4OTV

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:32 PM
To: top Band
Subject: Topband: 2 Top Band Christmas Gifts

Two special gifts this Christmas :

1. 9 year old g'son Elliot helped with my tree and colored lights.
        (and made sure all my umbrellas were working correctly  :-)
2. Rick, next door removed the blinker from his Christmas lights.

Last year I had to wait for "lights out" before hearing anything 
on 160m because of intense pulsing noise from Rick's blinker.  
The lights turned off (he went to bed?) and the noise stopped.

This year Rick is on the condo board and must have read the 
condo regs. about No Blinking Lights !!   -  Yahoo ! ! 

With wires and coax running  from my deck and through 
the common condo area woods I will not complain or do anything 
to bring notice to my radio activity. 
(The one exception being on snowshoes in the middle of winter 
 casting into the trees with a fishing pole. )


Jim / W1FMR
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