Topband: Fw: Re: Need help to improve DX on 1/2 acre lot from CA

jh-mty at jh-mty at
Sun Jan 13 13:16:47 EST 2013

My dos centavos...sent direct to K7XQ yesterday evening.  Sounds like the other responses, but I think more radials should do the trick even if they are not straight or uniformly spaced, although elevated ones should be as straight as possible.   73, JH W6UQZ

--- On Sat, 1/12/13, jh-mty at <jh-mty at> wrote:

From: jh-mty at <jh-mty at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Need help to improve DX on 1/2 acre lot from CA
To: k7xq at
Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013, 7:14 PM

Some advice, from a ham who worked 93 countries on top band from an apartment in Monterey, including 9 EUs in one nite, several African countries, and deep into Central Asia, using a full-sized zig-zagged and bent inverted L.  YOU NEED MORE RADIALS....7-9 minimum if your feedpoint is on the ground, only 4 if it is raised 10' off the ground.  Do you have a metal fence around your property?  If so, connect that up to add to your radial system.  You can also use a Folded Counterpoise system (look up W0UCE and K2AV).     A listening loop (made of hardline) or rotatable Waller flag RX antenna would also help immensely.  I used my TX ant as the RX ant.  So....adding radials (up to 60 if you can manage it) and an RX ant is what you need.  73, JH W6UQZ   
--- On Sat, 1/12/13, k7xq at <k7xq at> wrote:

From: k7xq at <k7xq at>
Subject: Topband: Need help to improve DX on 1/2 acre lot from CA
To: topband at
Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013, 12:49 PM

Hello All,
I just assigned myself onto this forum, its been a long time and needs some
help and would appreciate some questions answered on this huge experienced
based forum.

First, I want to describe my problem. I have a 1/2 acre lot in the back
property where I install
my antennas. The largest HF antenna is a HyGain Hy Tower which works great
on 40 and 80. On 160, I 
run a separate radiator that runs up the side of the hytower separated by 6
inch insulators up to 
the top and then runs horizontal sloped from the top of the hygain hytower
downward to a fence support 
that results in a full sized 1/4 WL inverted L on 160. The 160 meter
feedpoint is common to the hytower

I live in the central valley of California which is only about 300 feet ASL.
I do not live near the coast
nor live in the "high desert ". 

Some facts regarding this station:

1. I still have not copied or worked into Europe. I have been on this band
somewhat seriously for at least 5 years
2. I hear a few Russians but they don't hear me. 
3. I heard a FM5 last few nights peaking 559, called him countleesly with no
QSO. My power is about 800 W on this band ( single 3-500 ). I am looking
into finding a single GS35 amp for all bands on that tube.
4. I don't have the capacity to erect a full size radiator on this band
although I am curious about the Titanix 160 vertical, what it is and is it
worth looking into ?
5. I have read a lot about the K9AY RX loop. I have room for is antenna but
before I construct one, what are your opinions ?
6. I also read about a 225 foot beverage run close to the ground as a RX
ant. How does this compare to the K9AY loop ?
7. What is the best "short 160 vertical configuration" that has the best
performance for working DX ?
8. You will notice I mentioned that I only run a single ground radial on
each band. Would adding lets say 3 more
Make the difference between night and day for TX or RX ?

I think that's about it for now...73.....

Jeff K7XQ
Atwater, CA.
K7XQ website:

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