Topband: Need help to improve DX on 1/2 acre lot from CA
ws6x at
Mon Jan 14 19:01:16 EST 2013
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 12:49:44 -0800
From: <k7xq at>
Subject: Topband: Need help to improve DX on 1/2 acre lot from CA
Hello All,
First, I want to describe my problem. I have a 1/2 acre lot in the back
property where I install my antennas. I live in the central valley of
California which is only about 300 feet ASL. I do not live near the coast
nor live in the "high desert ".
Some facts regarding this station:
1. I still have not copied or worked into Europe. I have been on this band
somewhat seriously for at least 5 years
==== Hi Jeff,
You will do well to scour the archives of this reflector, paying close
attention to what your nearest neighbors are saying. While I enjoy
complaining about living in "the black hole" as much as the next person, in
reality, the SJV is not as bad as you might imagine. So what I write is
meant to be an encouragement and to offer proof that all is NOT lost!
My QTH is about 2 gallons of petrol south of you in Fresno, on a 120x120
city lot. My section of town is plagued with ever-present EMI, and of
course, it comes from all directions. I have never had a multi-element TX
antenna on 160 (only ever used half-slopers). I have never owned an
amplifier capable of the full legal limit. I have no room for even a short
Beverage -- although I have considered a short BOG.
I made my first DX QSO on 160 in February 1984 (KL7GKY), so I have dinked
around on 160 for a lot of years. It wasn't until the late 90s when my DXCC
total had climbed above 50 that I began to think in terms of "possible."
However, it wasn't until Christmas Eve, 2005 that I FINALLY heard -- and
worked -- my first EU (OZ7YY)!
In January of 2006 I installed a rotating flag, my first RX antenna. Since
then I've used the K9AY for several seasons, I've used a 2-el phased short
vertical system, I have tried a very low dipole bent in a U-shape, I also
have a small loop. Has any of this ever produced a "night and day"
difference? Not on your life. I can assure you of this: every one of these
antennas at one time or another was the ONLY antenna that could hear a
certain DX station.
My 160M DXCC stands at 178 worked (165 confirmed) in 33 Zones. I have worked
36 EU countries on 160, many of them several times over. One glorious night
in February, 2010, I worked 17 EU in the space of 4 hours. I have routinely
worked the world (including EU) with 100 Watts. I have 22 countries on 5
continents in the log operating QRP.
On the other hand, there have been evenings when I couldn't work your FM5 or
KV4FZ with a kW to save my life. You will find that condx vary all over the
map. Rick, N6RK, and Jim, K9YC (and others) hit the nail on the head... 160M
is all about commitment: commitment to improve your TX antenna; commitment
to put the time into the band so you understand how it will bite you in the
kester; commitment to many, many, many long hours straining noise just to be
sure you are at the radio when that once-in-a-lifetime moment comes your
So... is Atwater the black hole of California? I doubt it! Can you
realistically expect "night and day" improvements with a minimum of work?
Not on your life! Can you realistically expect to earn DXCC on TB from a
small lot? You better believe it! Of course, you better read and re-read the
preceding paragraph! :o)
Good Luck,
Jim - WS6X
2. I hear a few Russians but they don't hear me.
3. I heard a FM5 last few nights peaking 559, called him countleesly with no
QSO. My power is about 800 W on this band ( single 3-500 ). I am looking
into finding a single GS35 amp for all bands on that tube.
4. I don't have the capacity to erect a full size radiator on this band
although I am curious about the Titanix 160 vertical, what it is and is it
worth looking into ?
5. I have read a lot about the K9AY RX loop. I have room for is antenna but
before I construct one, what are your opinions ?
6. I also read about a 225 foot beverage run close to the ground as a RX
ant. How does this compare to the K9AY loop ?
7. What is the best "short 160 vertical configuration" that has the best
performance for working DX ?
8. You will notice I mentioned that I only run a single ground radial on
each band. Would adding lets say 3 more
Make the difference between night and day for TX or RX ?
I think that's about it for now...73.....
Jeff K7XQ
Atwater, CA.
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