Topband: Elevated Radials EPILOGUE

Eddy Swynar deswynar at
Sun Mar 3 08:24:18 EST 2013

Good Day All,

Well, after sifting through all of the responses to my original posting, and reviewing the different sites recommended by specific denizens of Topband, I've come to the conclusion that I will have to stick to my current design of 24 radials, each 1/8-wave long, per "L"...

I believe that a minimum of two elevated radials would be the absolute minimum that I would have liked to try at my location---unfortunately, physical limitations of the property here would allow extended radials (i.e. going off in opposite directions to one another) beneath just one element in my 3-element array: the other 2 elements would benefit from a fully extended (& elevated, of course) single radial only, with the other "twin" being meandered about the property lines of the real estate that is available here...

While this arrangement might prove to be an effective compromise of sorts---compared to the questionable system that I currently employ---I don't know that I'd want to commit next year's Topband DX season to an arrangement that might be grossly inferior to what I now have, as tempting as any elevated set-up might be...and the current ground system has carried me through some 7 years of reasonably reliable & faithful service to date...

So---bad knees notwithstanding!---I guess I'll have to stick to the "tried & true" here, & hope that the propagation gods might render me better assistance next season, than they have this year.

Thanks again for all of the input that I received from everyone...

~73!~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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