Topband: Elevated Radials EPILOGUE

Milt -- N5IA n5ia at
Mon Mar 4 09:30:45 EST 2013

Brian and any other interested party,

Although it is not exactly the test you are proposing, for all intents and 
purposes the information I have will give you a quite good summary of your 
suggested testing.  Both TX antennas described below perform VERY, VERY 

I have constructed and have used for some years with excellent results at 
N5BG/NI5T the following installation.  40' of Rohn 25 to an insulated base. 
Above the insulated base is 80' of Rohn 25 with a Force 12 C4XL as a top 
hat.  15 each, 1/4 WL long radials slope down from 40' to ~10'-15' AGL.

This past year at a location 50 miles separated from the above described 
installation I constructed a full sized (120' tall) ground mounted and 
insulated Rohn 25 vertical with 64 each, 1/4 WL long, insulated radials 
laying on top of the ground.  This is the first time I have had the ground 
space to construct a 'textbook' antenna.  This location was operated under 
the call sign N7GP.

The two locations are both in DM52, one inside of New Mexico and the other 
in Arizona.

During some of the recent Top Band contests both stations have been active 
simultaneously and have been received by various RBN sites around the 
country.  I have a set of jpeg images of the comparisons of the signals from 
the two stations at 8 different RBN sites across the USA during the CQ 160 
CW 'test at the end of January.  Both stations were running legal limit 
power over a period of ~3 hours providing an excellent comparison of signal 
strength at various distances from DM52.

The images are only about 40 Kb per image, so they are not large files.  I 
will be glad to send them to anyone who requests them in a direct E-Mail.  I 
also have high resolution jpeg images (2-3 Mb) of the towers and close up 
views of certain parts of the antennas for those who are more interested in 
the details and might like to view those also.

Happy Monday to everyone out there in radio land.

de Milt, N5IA

-----Original Message----- 
From: Buck wh7dx
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:38 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: Elevated Radials EPILOGUE

I can't believe that no one has put this really important question to bed 

If I had the land and an existing vertical with a large buried radial system 
and another tower available.. I would try it out for the sake of Ham Radio 



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