Topband: Reminder - WWROF Webinar to be given by W3LPL this evening

Tim Duffy k3lr at
Mon Mar 18 13:45:17 EDT 2013

"The first Top Band DX Contest - the 1921 Transatlantic Test"

18-Mar-2013 9pm - 10pm EDT (19-Mar-2013 0100 - 0200 UTC)

Frank Donovan, W3LPL, provides a very entertaining and informative look at
the very first Topband DX contest, in 1921.

For Webinar sign up details and other scheduled contest related WWROF
Webinars, please visit:

The Webinars are recorded and available for playback. You can view current
WWROF Webinar archives here:

Tim K3LR

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