Topband: trimming elevated radials

Bob K6UJ k6uj at
Sat Mar 30 11:22:03 EDT 2013

I dont know if this is the preferred method but here is what I do.
Before connecting the vertical I attach my SWR meter to the radials by pairs, just like tuning a dipole,  pruning the radial pairs
to resonance at my desired frequency.  Then I connect the radials together and attach the SWR meter between the connected together 
radials and the vertical and prune the vertical for resonant freq.  


On Mar 29, 2013, at 9:56 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:

> What is the preferred method of tuning elevated radials for uniformity?
> I realize you can measure the lengths, try to get uniform heights, etc so that you match the model as close as possible.  However, it seems that this is good only to the first approximation.
> There are two methods that I thought of.  Measuring the current at the base of the vertical/radial union and trimming lengths iteratively trying to get a uniform current reading on all elements.  
> The second one was to disconnect all the radials.  And then connect them one-by-one, trimming for the same resonance point for the single radial+vertical as a pair.  
> 73/jeff/ac0c
> alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
> All good topband ops know fine whiskey is a daylight beverage.
> _________________
> Topband Reflector

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