Topband: YB0ARA/9

Roger Parsons ve3zi at
Wed May 1 21:03:08 EDT 2013

Quite shortly after I moved to Canada, on 31 January 1998 to be precise, I worked YB0ARA/9 on 160m. I didn't realise initially just how lucky I was - I have never heard another YB station since despite the fact there have been several good stations active over the years. The QSO was actually even luckier as my antenna was an inverted L in a tree with a small number of radials and I had no separate receive antennas at that time.

However, the luck ran out there. I sent a QSL, SAE, $ to N2AU, the QSL manager, and got no reply. I sent another one after a few months in case the first had been lost. No reply again. This rather put me off gathering QSLs for 160m countries, and I didn't bother until a year or two ago when I found that with LOTW I was only about 30 countries behind rather than 200!

I know that Phil, K6DLV, ex YB0ARA is sadly an SK, but I thought I would try N2AU again in case he still has the logs. So I emailed the address shown on QRZ (N2AU at lightlink dot com). No reply.

I know it's a long shot, but I wonder if anybody knows N2AU and could put in a word for me?

Many thanks

73 Roger

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