Topband: Magnetic Loops

W2PM w2pm at
Tue May 21 12:32:33 EDT 2013

Covered many times here over the years. Yes mag loops wil help loads with local crud noise if they are in a certain direction you can null to. If the noise is all surrounding as it would be in many high density residential areas like condos or industrial zones prob not. 

At best mag loop lowers the noise in two directions drastically - along with any signals in those two spots.  But in the non null areas there are absolutely no characteristics of the loop which are beneficial for DX other than getting whatever you may get.  Also know the loop has no vertical or horizontal directivity except for the two sharp nulls off the end of the loop so all atmospheric noise will be collected by th antenna and your DX will compete I that noise floor for notice.  For most local non DX work in very noisy spots these are great. 

If you want DX Id try a MFJ nuller and a k9ay or flag.  

73 W2PM

Sent from my iPhone

On May 21, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Bob K6UJ <k6uj at> wrote:

> Sometimes my local power line noise is about S8 or so on 160.  
> I am considering the purchase of one of these magnetic loop antennas for receiving to see if it helps.
> Anyone have one of these ?  How well does it perform ?  One better than the other ?
> Pixel Technologies RF PRO-1B
> Wellbrooke Communications ALA 1530
> Bob
> K6UJ
> All good topband ops know how to put up a beverage at night.
> _________________
> Topband Reflector

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