Topband: Fwd: Add top loading or invert-L 43 ft vertical

Shoppa, Tim tshoppa at
Fri May 24 08:46:10 EDT 2013

I use my 80 foot doublet by tying the ladder line together at bottom and feeding against ground+radials as a "T", in every 160 contests with excellent results. It helps that mine is up 75-80 feet but even if yours was only up 40 feet I'm sure it would be fine.

80M was in excellent shape last night, despite ongoing local thunderstorm I was hearing lots of EU, and I was being spotted all over western EU with excellent levels at just 100W out:

Tim N3QE

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Add top loading or invert-L 43 ft vertical
From: Philip Zminda <PZminda at>
To: phil-z at

I would like to try my hand in the 160 contest this weekend. My antenna is a 43 ft vertical. I don't intend to use it as-is or add a base loading coil. I have heard of adding a wire to the top to act as an inverted-L or adding several wires to act as a top-hat. I will be using the internal tuner in my K3 and running 100 watts. I have 60 radials, mostly 43 ft and a few 60 footers. I don't have many options for supports but could put a 23 ft fiberglass mast temporarily at my shed about 100 to 120 ft from the antenna and run a sloping wire. Which might be more effective? What wire lengths should I try? 
My only other option is an 80 meter doublet fed with ladder line that put up for Field day. If I put it up it wouldn't be very high. 
For receiving I have a magnetic loop.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Phil N3ZP
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