Topband: QRP ARCI Top Band Sprint

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Wed Nov 27 09:09:48 EST 2013

G'day, Boys and Girls!!  The QRP ARCI Club is sponsoring a Top Band Sprint this evening (see below for details on times and exchange).
I know it isn't a big deal to y'all, Top Band wise - often, it seems, on Top Band if it's not DX or one of the Stew events OR a CQ or ARRL contest, it's not all that important enough to turn the rig on - but, for us true "little pistols," this is one of a few contests where we get to compete against "our own kind," so to speak and we'd appreciate hearing and working some of you who might not bother on a "normal evening of listening," to answer our weak signaled "CQ test."
Note: you don't have to get your operating manual out to figure out how to crank your power down to 5 watts!! Just send your power out as part of the exchange.  
Thank you, in advance, to those of you who take the time to "participate" - us "little pistols" appreciate any involvement you can muster u....we will return the favor, if possible, by offering up 4 point Qs during the Stew Perry events.
72, Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV
Date/Time: 0000Z to 0600Z on 28 November 2013(Note, this is the evening of 27 November 2013 in North America)
B) Mode: SSB, CW or Mixed Modes.  Work stations once per mode if entering the Mixed Mode category.
C) Exchange: Members send:  RS(T), State/Province/Country, ARCI member numberNon-Members send:  RS(T), State/Province/Country, Power Out 		 	   		  

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