Topband: Raised radial question from NH

Charlie Cunningham charlie-cunningham at
Sat Oct 19 14:06:45 EDT 2013

Good luck, Jim!!

BTW I've worked some good stuff all round the world on 160 with a 70 foot
tall Inv L with two elevated radials that ran along my lot lines.  

For receiving, the 'KAZ" terminated loop is delta shape and it  could be
supported by one line at the apex, and the ends could be tied off to trees
or stakes with two more lines. It's ground-independent, so the lower
horizontal wire only  needs to be a very few feet off the ground. I built
one that was 12' high at the apex and the horizontal bottom wire was 40' at
2' off the ground. It was  a GREAT receive antenna for 160, 80, 40 and 30m.
You would likely need a preamp on 160. You might not have time enough this
afternoon to build it and wind the matching transformer, though. You might
just try a wire on the ground - perhaps 1/4 wave? As a temporary effort.

Good luck!

Charlie, K4OTV

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Charlie Cunningham; 'top Band'; 'Jim Fitton'
Subject: Re: Topband: Raised radial question from NH

Thank you Charlie,

In that case I may be able to get another raised radial up before the action
begins later this afternoon.

A receiving antenna is a definite possibility also especially if one could
be rigged to go up and down easily. Good idea.

Thanks again Charlie.

Jim / W1FMR

On Saturday, October 19, 2013 12:38 PM, Charlie Cunningham
<charlie-cunningham at> wrote:
Hi, Jim

In my experience, the answer is "no" to both questions - although a full
size inverted L , while being a very effective transmit antenna can be a
really noisy receive antenna. Can you go out in the woods and hang a flag,
pennant or KAZ terminated loop for a receive antenna? Helped me a LOT o RX!

Good luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jim F.
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 12:28 PM
To: top Band; Jim Fitton
Subject: Topband: Raised radial question from NH

Nothing heard this morning in NH at 1530Z.

Am in a condo environment where invisibility is a factor.
Antenna is an Inverted L  fed through a series capacitor with two #22
ga. raised radials 136' long ~ 10 feet high running through the woods
which have stayed up 2 days so far.

One question :

Do you think that thin radials could cause an increase in receiver noise ?

Another question :

The 50 ohm feedline line is 25' long connected directly to the rig.
Is isolation needed to preserve the effectiveness of raised radials ?
If so, what would the isolation consist of ?


Jim / W1FMR / QRP
Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

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