Topband: 3B9EME

Charlie Cunningham charlie-cunningham at
Mon Sep 9 22:44:45 EDT 2013

Valid points, Keith.

I think the boys that went to FO0AAA did good to hang up that KAZ terminated
Loop  that John, ON4UN, put together for them!

Some years ago, My friend, Jim, W4RS and I put together a dual-band 40/30m
GP for the guys that went out to KH1 - and while they were on the island,
Joe hung all sorts of vertical wires for higher bands on it! Worked well!!
It was great on 40/30!


-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of VE7MID
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 10:23 PM
To: 'topband'
Subject: Topband: 3B9EME

>From experience, it is easy to say, "put up a beverage". I went to 7P8D with
the idea that would be the set-up but, on site, it was impossible. There is
a difference between having years to set up a station and days with limited
material to accomplish an effective low band station. 


We will have conducted two site visits and are planning for contingencies
for 3DA0ET. It is annoying to be criticized by comfortable "base" stations
for efforts on top band where we must depend for the assistance of others to
put up a top band antenna system which takes more time than their muti-band
high qso rate stations! Be appreciative of the efforts of others to provide
you with a "new one"!


73 Keith

Topband Reflector

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