Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 129, Issue 23

n0tt1 at n0tt1 at
Mon Sep 16 00:04:34 EDT 2013

I've just used strips of sheet copper cut with
snips for "flat" wire.  I purchased a sheet from a
Hobby Lobby store.  Their ads usually include a
20% off coupon good for just about any
one item at their stores.

Charlie, N0TT
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 01:39:46 +0000 (UTC) wa3mej at writes:
> I know this may be a little off topic BUT.... I am looking for some 
> flat wired to wind an edge wound inductor. I am guessing that it 
> needs to be something like an eight of an inch on the narrow side by 
> maybe three eights of in inch on the long or flat side. This will 
> allow my roller wheel to ride on the inside of the inductor to 
> change inductance. 
> Now for the rub.  I cant find anyone that makes wire like this.  I 
> know it is made because others have made inductors using this kind 
> of wire. Oh and it has to be silver plated if possible. 
> These coils are to be part of a balanced tuner and yes I know I can 
> purchase coils but I want consistency since I am going to build 
> several of these units. 
> Any and all help appreciated.  
> Thanks  Jim WA3MEJ 
> _________________
> Topband Reflector

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