Topband: 5/8 wavelength vertical is mo betta than shorter versions??

Niko Cimbur ac6dd at
Sun Sep 29 14:23:34 EDT 2013

> Concerning your real experience, how did you measure the elevation angles
and pattern beam width?

We did not measure any angles, I was barely getting started on 160m at the time,
and was more interested in putting up a good antenna for the Contest.
The radiation pattern information comes from the ON4UN book Low-Band Dxing/Vertical Antennas/Tall Verticals.
We had a similar setup as his example 60+ radials over average ground for each antenna.  
Our location was here: 35.335581, -120.747388 


I can set up a 5/8 wl vertical over salt water, and I am pretty sure I will have a killer ground wave signal in ... Santa Barbara.

As far as the really low takeoff angle I remember seeing a table, I believe it was an ARRL publication where signals on 160m 90% of the time arrive at an angle above 13 degrees.  
This is from memory, correct me if I am wrong. 

Niko AC6DD

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