Topband: New 3 el 160m yagi at 7J4AAL

PY1NB - Felipe Ceglia felipeceglia2 at
Tue Aug 19 15:45:15 EDT 2014

Must remember that OH8X is usually very close, if not inside aurora circle.

I remember Tony Linden saying on a Dayton presentation that they often
heard stations 1000km or so away from them, using dipoles or verticals
working stations that they would not hear.


Felipe - PY1NB

Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member /// ///

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Doug Renwick <ve5ra at> wrote:

> When you have money, it's amazing what can be done.  I thought the
> consensus
> now is yagi antennas on 160 don't perform well (i.e. OH8X) when compared to
> vertical arrays.
>  Doug
> "Think of all the ways you can hurt yourself laughing."
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