Topband: New 3 el 160m yagi at 7J4AAL
DL2OBO ( Carsten-Thomas Dauer)
dl2obo at
Wed Aug 20 19:24:11 EDT 2014
We went to Japan for our honeymoon in 2010 and were invited to visit 7J4AAL
for a few days......
I have heard about his 160m-Yagi plan at this time and was very excited all
the years until now.
I talk to him and Masaru JA5AQC (with whom I went on a 23 day-round trip in
Europe 2012) frequently on 80m.
Kan lives in a more quiet location compared to other JA QTH's .
Both large Yagis are on hill tops but there are also other hills around, so
it is not a hill top location with a flat terrain around.....
He has multiple beverages, too.
The QTH is 200m or so next to a large hospital, other houses are further
I enjoyed operating 80m with his 5 el yagi. Signals from EU were loud
enough, no need for special RX antennas at that time.
(guess different in other special static conditions)
You can see some pictures of the surroundings as well as from his 5el 80m
Yagi here......
I am looking forward to hear Kan on 160m
73 de Tom ( ex DL2OBO )
PS: check my homepage for other DX station QTHs
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] Im Auftrag von Gary and
Kathleen Pearse
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. August 2014 22:13
An: topband List
Betreff: Re: Topband: New 3 el 160m yagi at 7J4AAL
I guess well hear this 160 season from 7J4AAL. Living mid-path USA-JA
affords KL7s the opportunity to receive both as Ws and others turn their
attention to JA. Why not give it a try if one has the motivation, real
estate, and resources?
And about which antenna is better? His 160 beam on a hill will outperform
what most of us will ever have available.
I wonder what his noise floor will be, and if he employs receiving arrays?
73, Gary NL7Y
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