Topband: Unknown Pulse Signal Wiping out 1900-1925 kHz

John Kaufmann jkaufmann at
Mon Dec 8 21:09:22 EST 2014

Same estimated heading (~75 deg) from the Boston area and same as last
night.  The relatively big signal strength suggests something in NA rather
than EU.  But that would place it almost out a sea from here, or possibly
very southern VE1 or FP8.  Is there anyone from that area that can give a
report or heading?  If it's Europe, it would point to the CT/EA area, or it
could be northern Africa (CN, EA9, etc.).   The heading is definitely too
far south for the signal to have its origins in places like TF or OX.

73, John W1FV

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Don Kirk
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 8:50 PM
To: Michael Walker
Cc: K2RS; Mike Waters; topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Unknown Pulse Signal Wiping out 1900-1925 kHz

Copying the signal again this evening from Indianapolis area at 8:45pm EST
(0145 utc)
Heading is again approximately 75 deg.

Don wd8dsb

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