Topband: Speculating via Stew posted scores

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Mon Dec 29 07:27:36 EST 2014

There are many different factors at play way beyond the antenna system.
First and foremost, K5GO is QRP so he gets an automatic 3x multiplier for
all his QSO's. I don't know N9FT's category.

Beyond power category, a station in a densely populated area will get an
awful lot of 1-pointers and 2-pointers, even working local stations that
can't load their bedsprings on 160M. A station that is in a remote area but
within easy low-power reach of one or even better two population centers
can get fewer QSO's but most of them are 3-, 4-, and 5- pointers (and he
may get a 1.5 multiplier on every Q if he was low power himself or a 3x
multiplier if he was QRP.)

Even in contests without distance multipliers and with section+DXCC
multipliers, there is an advantage to being in low-power reach of multiple
domestic population centers. For example US midwest rules the ARRL DX low
power category.

Tim N3QE

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 5:56 AM, James Rodenkirch <rodenkirch_llc at>

>  Is there a way via Stew results to measure the concentration of Qs...
> with relation to the distance of the Q?
> For example, looking over the scores posed at the 3830 web site one finds
> N9FT's QSOs to point ratio is 3 pts. while K5GO has a ratio of 8.1.
> On the surface, one would draw the conclusion.. that K5GOs Qs were farther
> away, suggesting an antenna system geared to lower elevation of radiation
> while N9FT's antenna may favor shorter hauls?
> Also, propagation and local noise enter into the discussion as
> well....and, can't discount more QRP Qs for K5GO, perhaps.
> My QRP friend, WC7S, and I consider all of this one of the joys of working
> the can draw/speculate loose conclusions from the scores...
> sorta. Then one goes to to see f the stations of interest list
> equipment and antennas and them MORE speculation crops up ---- all of this
> should be undertaken during happy hour!
> 72 to all, Jim Rodenkirch  K9JWV
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