Topband: spotlight propagation

Larry via Topband topband at
Mon Dec 29 12:26:32 EST 2014

hello milt,

yes, i am very aware of "spotlight propagation". it is to this end that i have been working closely with Dr. Herman Wolfgang Amadeus Funkelmunster (Dr. Funk for short) of the University of Arizona. he is the chair of applied radio sciences and child psychology.

his new invention, HFCF (harbor freight Chinese flashlight) antenna array proves to achieve the 160 meter spotlight propagation that we have been trying to replicate for many years now. his aim was to communicate with his mother (passed) in Munich, Germany and we believe that he has a proven success. 

it was with great fortune that the Harbor Freight company offered a free 24 LED flashlight with any $20 purchase before Xmas. all of my friends and family (number undisclosed) took advantage of this offer and the antenna array has been constructed.

team N7DD (N7DD/W8TK) welcomes the challenge of the CQ WW 160 meter multi operator contest.

we are very scared of your new antenna array as we are also very scared of the antennas of N7JW and W7RH. may the best team win. unbelievable efforts on your antennas guys!



-----Original Message-----
From: Milt -- N5IA <n5ia at>
To: Larry <pacer99 at>; topband <topband at>
Sent: Mon, Dec 29, 2014 2:42 pm
Subject: Re: Topband: V55V in SP

That is Top Band 'spotlight' propagation for you.  It is quite common; more 
than most of us realize.

I never heard V55V here in SE AZ during the contest, although I was 80-90% 
running.  The Gulf Coast T-Storm activity was directly east of me (direct 
path to V5) so I hardly selected that azimuth during the contest (the beauty 
of narrow lobe direction RX and TX antennas).  The result of that decision 
is plainly shown in the lack of SE US stations in my log.

I'll make a full 3830 report later today.  Enough for now.

73 de Milt, N5IA, also opertor of N7GP

-----Original Message----- 
From: Larry via Topband
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2014 11:54 PM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: V55V in SP

never heard the V55V during the contest but he was 599 plus this evening at 

what a difference a day makes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard (Rick) Karlquist <richard at>
To: k1fz <k1fz at>; Topband <topband at>
Sent: Mon, Dec 29, 2014 4:37 am
Subject: Topband: V55V in SP

On 12/28/2014 7:18 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:
>    Worked V55V 12-28-2014 at 0424 UTC. Good solid contact. Took a break 
> from
the rig, receiver still on his frequency.    Noted His signal was coming up 
his sunrise was approaching.
>   Then a station started calling and calling,  usually while the V55V was
calling. Often starting to call while the CQ was in progress. This has to be
blind calling. causing QRM  & preventing others from making the contact. 
do not call unless you are copying the DX station.
>   73
>   Bruce-K1FZ

I see many posters complaining about bad condx.
I worked nearly every station I heard, including
many east coast stations, using only 100W to a
vertical.  Big surprise was V55V with a very
solid signal 10,000 miles from the left coast.
That's a 48 point QSO.  I have noticed on other
bands that there seems to be a pipeline to V5,
I guess I can add 160 meters to the list.
No blind calling here.  I was able to raise him
with only a few calls.  Condx seemed pretty good
here.  I put up a low dipole for the contest,
but it didn't hear any better than the vertical
this time.  It was also interesting that the
difference in S meter reading between antennas
varied from 5 to 20 dB, the vertical being stronger.

Rick N6RK

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