Topband: on the webcam issue

N1BUG paul at
Thu Jan 2 16:43:33 EST 2014

Thanks Mike. Interesting video. It brings back memories of working 
ARRL 160 with a straight key back in the 1980s. I couldn't do much 
with my right arm for days after that.

Paul N1BUG

On 01/02/2014 02:55 AM, w7dra at wrote:
> I have been reading with great interest the different forms of
> person/computer assistance one can expect to get while operating a CW
> contest. Not wanting to be left out of this fray and realizing freedom of
>   speech issues are at the core of this discussion, I set up a web cam
> (Sony DCSC-P41) at the station 160 meter operating position, and feel it
> is my responsibility to let anyone look at it if they wish. There  has
> been no editing, the signals heard are real, and individual calls and
> station operating practices are laid out for all to experience.
> I wish to offend no one.
> mike w7dra

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