Topband: Rig Question

Jim Brown jim at
Sun Jun 15 18:02:45 EDT 2014

On 6/15/2014 1:57 PM, Bob Garrett wrote:
> Regarding the K3, Look at what Rob Sherwood has to say.  It is far superior
> to both the 590 and 1200 but it should be for the price.

I'm in the middle of the ARRL VHF contest, with a K3/P3 bandscope on 6M, 
and a vintage TS790A on 2M. I have the P3 set to display 50080 kHz to 
50280 kHz, so if a mouse farts on the band, I see it and can quickly QSY 
to work it. With the TS790A, I'm flying blind, so must continually tune 
around for activity.

I've decided to order an Elecraft 2M transverter for my second K3, just 
for the bandscope! Anyone want a nicely treated TS790A?

73, Jim K9YC

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