Topband: K3 vs THE REST

John Harden, D.M.D. jhdmd at
Tue Jun 17 12:23:24 EDT 2014

On 6/17/2014 10:50 AM, Bill & Liz wrote:
> I have owned a K3 for just over 3 years and my impression is that, for “normal” operation on the bands there is little difference between it and several other transceivers.  However, where the K3 shines is on CW, digging out readable copy on stations which are right down in the crud.  No Yaesu, ICOM or Kenwood radio I have used comes close to what the K3 can do in that regard IMHO.  Operated in diversity mode (two antennas, one vertically and one horizontally polarized) with the proper filter and bandwidth, it is truly amazing what the l’il guy can pull out of the noise.
> But of course all this is very subjective!
> Bill VE3CSK
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -
I concur with VE3CSK. The K3 works great as I am mainly 160 CW. It is 
the best for hearing the ones down in the noise...

Plus, being retired military, I do not buy 'Rice Boxes".....


John , W4NU
K4JAG (1959 to 1998)

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