Topband: Deployable radials for 80/160M

KB8NTY kb8nty at
Tue Jun 24 19:32:16 EDT 2014

K3VAT - Rich,

In addition to the helpful replies you will receive on the Topband list, you 
may want to also present to the new Yahoo "Ground Radial" user group.
Presently a 100 or so members there who may also throw out some ideas!

Wishing you luck with the task.

If it may help I offer a product that is fast-easy & affordable which may 
help with the ground radial set-up.
(info & links below)

With Kind Regards
Ross  KB8NTY


RossRadio: RF Ground Radial Website

Ground Radial Discussion: Please Visit & Join In!

Hello, I'm now able to use a couple acre parcel for a new 80/160M shorty 
vertical (80'); however, I can use this land only between Nov and May. ?
For radials I'm intending on using a #22 stranded hookup wire, 300v and 
wondering if this particular wire would be suitable for spooling out the ~90 
foot radials then respooling them up several months later. ?Expected power = 
1KW; Number of radial ~ 40. ?Any hints appreciated.
73, Rich, K3VAT


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