Topband: Deployable radials for 80/160M - Summary

Carl km1h at
Wed Jun 25 08:01:02 EDT 2014

3. Several users like to tie the individual radials in a sequence, one to 
the next, and twisting together the ends, for both deployment and 
re-spooling so that there is one long continuous piece of wire. One or two 
users built 'packages' of 2, 4, or even 6 wires all in parallel, especially 
where the radial lengths are nearly identical. If one has radial wires of 
multiple length, then he/she may want to consider color-coding the wire 
groups of different lengths (or using a spray paint the ends) to 'label' 
them for next seasons lowband operation.

** Now that is a new concept to me as Ive used partial to full reels of 
surplus wire up to 5000'. I wonder what NEC4 has to say about that for 
buried, on ground or elevated radials?


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