Topband: Field Day Classic 1950s

Carl km1h at
Thu Jun 26 09:49:47 EDT 2014

Mine was a HQ-129X, Viking I and 122VFO, plus DB-22A preselector for the 
high bands.

This was a 3 station event with HS friends on a high open field in LI NY in 

Antennas were various wires on push up masts that doubled as supports for a 
HB10 and 15M ground plane.

Power was some old WW2 surplus generator. Most fit in an almost new 57 
Hudson wagon with the big Packard V8 and the  roof racks, that car was huge 
and was driven by one of the dads. The rest went in my 49 Ford 2 dr. I think 
both vehicles made 2 trips and my Ford stayed on site for gas runs, that 
genny was thirsty and belonged to the Hudson owner; they were big into 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <w7dra at>
To: <radio.kh6o at>
Cc: <topband at>; <no3m at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Field Day Classic 1950s

> an SX71 and ARC5 transmitter, 25 watts input, 125 foot wire in a tree.
> stick and dupe sheet
> as i said, a classic field day
> mike w7dra
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