Topband: Spam:************, Re: Deployable radials for 80/160M

mstangelo at mstangelo at
Thu Jun 26 14:37:41 EDT 2014


I started using surplus stranded high temperature teflon coated wire for my radial system because I got it at a good price. It is flexible and easy to work with but I noticed that if the ends were not sealed of if there were breaks in the insulation it would soak up water via capillary action. I needed more wire to finish my 36 radial system so I decided to try 14 gauge THHN insulated wire from Lowes. It is not as flexible but I should not have to worry about it absorbing water.

Most of my radial system is in the wooded area of by property. I have some radials on the grassy area of my yard that I move in the summer. I use the solid wire for the permanent installation and the stranded wire for the seasonal installation.

Mike N2MS

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew King - KK4CPS <KK4CPS at>
To: herbs at
Cc: topband at
Sent: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:01:59 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Topband: Spam:************, Re: Deployable radials for 80/160M

Wouldn't stranded wire be preferred for such a use?  Maybe I'm missing
something, but it seems that solid wire would be more prone to breakage.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Herb Schoenbohm <herbs at>

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