Topband: , Re: Deployable radials for 80/160M

Jim Garland 4cx250b at
Thu Jun 26 16:54:25 EDT 2014

Here in sunny NM, with nothing resembling grass, I just laid my sixty 120 ft
radials on the top of the desert. It's stranded 14 AWG with a brown THHN
insulation that matches the dirt.  I figure in a couple of years the
insulation will pretty much be gone, and then it will just be bare copper.
Ain't nobody going to be bothered by that except the coyotes.  The antenna
is 750 ft from my station, and fed with (buried) 50 ohm 1/2 inch CATV

Don't know how Carl finds that cheap PTFE stranded wire. I wire all my
homebrew projects with it, and am always on the lookout, but never see any
at the local surplus places. Los Alamos National Labs is nearby but never
seems to have any.  I'm guessing they must use something else to wire up
nuclear weapons. 

Jim W8ZR

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