Topband: Beverage feedline

k1zm--- via Topband topband at
Thu Jun 26 19:49:14 EDT 2014

FWIW - Here at VY2ZM - I am running RG6 (standard stuff) out 3500 feet to a distant RX antenna on the other side of my property.

I am also switching 12VDC down the line (using a BIAS Tee) - in order to switch the hybrid coupler from NE to SW - All of this is on 160M - so I think you will surely be OKAY with only 1500 feet of BELDEN RG6 at 160m.


---- Original Message ----
From: Bill Wichers <billw at>
To: Timo Korhonen <timo.korhonen at>
Cc: topband <topband at>
Sent: Thu, Jun 26, 2014 9:28 pm
Subject: Re: Topband: Beverage feedline

The copper clad steel center conductor won't make much difference in terms of 
loss on 160m. It is an issue if you will be powering Anything through the coax 
(like amps or antenna selection relays) since the dc resistance is higher. 

If you need solid copper center conductor rg6 you can get that too - its sold 
for satellite systems that run dc on the coax to power the LNB at the dish. It 
will generally be more expensive. Solid copper center conductor will be listed 
as type BC (bare copper) in the datasheets. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:12 AM, "Timo Korhonen" <timo.korhonen at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are putting up new beverages for 160/80 at OH5Z.
> I have a question regarding the feedline. We have to make
> quite long runs like 1500 feet.
> When looking for a low cost 75 ohm coaxial I found a Belden
> RG6 type cable which is reasonably priced.
> Here is a link for technical data
> This cable has a copper covered steel inner conductor.
> Is this an issue on low frequency like 1.8 MHz with long runs like 1500 feet?
> Thanks for your help
> 73, Timo OG9X
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