Topband: Help put Haiti on topband

Carl Clawson clawsoncw at
Tue Oct 7 11:36:23 EDT 2014

Reprinted with permission from the Daily DX. Please help Dale however you

73, Carl WS7L

N3BNA and friends are "definitely going to Haiti," and have acquired a
300-foot tower in The States they plan to ship down and build there.
Details are not finalized. Once the tower is up, there will be
concentration on working Europe on the low bands - past operations haven't
had enough tower height to have great antennas. Dale says he's looking for
operators too. Anyone interested may contact N3BNA or
haiti.friendship at The ARRL 160 Contest is an early goal, then
possibly the CQ 160 Contest. Operators are needed for the ARRL 160 Contest
and volunteers are needed for the tower project, including some technical
advice from guys who would like to help from back home. The 9-acre site is
half salt marsh, near the ocean. The 300-foot tower with complete radial
field will be for a popular Haitian Christian radio station that was
important in helping in the recent Haitian disaster relief efforts. The
station agreed to let the ham group use the tower if they would help get it
put up. The AM broadcast station would potentially be turned off during ham
contests! A tribander has been donated by JH5GHM. SteppIR has loaned a
BigIR vertical. Funds are needed for feedlines, with the tower 700 feet
from the transmitter building. $5,000 is also needed to ship the tower from
the US. The Haitian International Friendship Amateur Radio Club has been
set up as part of the effort.  You
may also email them at haiti.friendship at with support, comments or
inquiries of any kind. Dale emphasizes, "our biggest need is volunteers and
operators to join us."

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