Topband: The Stew

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Sun Oct 19 12:48:09 EDT 2014

I got on for about 2 hours after local sunset here.
Band was very quiet as predicted.  Lots of east
coast stations worked.  Also, the VE3's were out
in force as usual.  Only "DX" was KV4FZ, who
was easily worked on the first call.  The
activity dropped off after 0400Z and I shut down
after about 75 QSO's.  I ran high power and "felt
loud".  Lots of callers at the noise level.
I probably missed a fair number of callers.
Receive antenna was just a 20 foot loop.  I need
to get a directional array going.

Rick N6RK

On 10/18/2014 4:14 PM, pat wrote:
> Not sure what you mean by not worthwhile. Sorry about your beverages.    I'll be one after my daughter's soccer game.
> dit dit
> n8vw
> On October 18, 2014 6:24:52 PM EDT, Garry Shapiro <garry at> wrote:
>> I have never found it worthwhile, and my Bevs were flattened by a
>> falling tree.
>> Garry, NI6T
>> On 10/18/2014 11:57 AM, pat wrote:
>>> Don't forget to get on for the fall edition of the Stew Perry
>> contest.
>>> n8vw
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