Topband: BCB interference ?

Hardy Landskov n7rt at
Mon Sep 22 10:07:42 EDT 2014

I have the same problem. A 25KW station at 1560 KHz just destroys the front 
end of my K3. Elecraft did not do a vey good job on their front end 
filtering but that's another issue. I finally had to build a 7 pole HPF from 
W3NQN's article many years ago. The catch is it has to be able to handle the 
transmit power too. There is no room in the K3 for a receive filter. 
Elecraft just blew me off when I told them about the problem. They said I 
was 1 in a 1000 that had that problem and they were not going to fix it.
You will need at least 40 dB of attenuation and to my knowledge none of the 
commercially available filters will do the job.
 I heard that Array Solutions might have a transmit HPF now but I have not 
looked into it.
73 Hardy N7RT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Stallman" <n5dg at>
To: "TopBand List" <topband at>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 6:50 AM
Subject: Topband: BCB interference ?

>  Has anyone used this High Pass Filter ? 
>  I found I have a 25KW AM 1520 Khz BC transmitter 12 miles from me , is 
> that close enough to interfere with me receiving weak signal DX on the top 
> Band ? I do hear some wide band hash 1837 to 1840 !
> Though I would asking before placing an order, not sure how what to look 
> for with BCB interference ?
> Tnx Ed N5DG
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