Topband: alternative feedpoint capacitor

Steve Flood kk7uv at
Thu Aug 6 20:44:51 EDT 2015

Thanks for the cap suggestions everyone, and for the V and I calculations

Ideally I'd like the 300pF (or so) vac. variable and so will watch for a
decent deal on one.
In the meantime, I will parallel four 50pF doorknobs (7500v and 1.8A at 1
MHz) and single 100pF variable with .05" plate spacing (which I think is
good for 2kv).
With the current divided 5 ways, I should be well within ratings.
I may try 5x 50pF doorknobs just to see how close I am for matching given
the +/- 10% spec on the caps.

73, Steve KK7UV

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