Topband: Best wire antenna for roof top location

Nuradi yb0unc at
Fri Aug 7 19:52:51 EDT 2015

Dear all,

In preparation of this coming WW big contest, I plan to install wire antenna
on a roof top of a 33rd storey building (about 110metres above the ground)
for operating on the 160M, 80M and  40M band.


The building roof top rectangular size about  45 metres long (from
NWtoN-326.8 degress to SEtoS-146.8degrees) and 33 metres wide
(fromNEtoE-56.8 degrees to SWtoW-236.8 degrees) located in centre of Jakarta


The roof top have plenty of cellulair microwave operator antennas (operating
in 5GHz and above ALSO one TV operator with around 400MHz working freq.) and
there are also two SelfSupportingTower-15metres high, on each end of the
long side of the building. 

There is also one-SST belong to theTV operator which is about 50 metres
high, located on the SE end of the roof top.

Good grounding terminal is available as it's used for grounding all the
communication antennas/equipments.

I have my own room in the centre of the roof top where we put all our indoor
microwave devices and routers/switch.


Prefereable wire antenna is lazy 'laying'H or quad, dipole, slope..

I appreciate verymuch any suggestion, input from all, regarding the best
wire antenna for this site to be used in the 160M, 80M and 40M band.



Thankyou very much indeed in advance.



Nuradi, YB0UNC / KU2B

Cellulair +62811138378


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